Latest Opinion News
The history award goes to… the blank slate!
Egypt won three awards last week at the Dubai film festival and…
The Wrong Solution
By Sayed Ghoneim A few weeks ago, I wrote on my Facebook page…
The strategic plane: Russia in the Mideast energy cauldron
A journalist friend had told me a while ago, without naming who…
A new era of opportunity
By Ban Ki-moon Seventy years ago, the United Nations was created from…
Despite UN resolution, differences over Syria remain
The UN Security Council has unanimously agreed a resolution to end the…
How does the ‘Family of 1952’ perceive ‘the people’? (Part 3)
Let us look at how pro-regime forces, or rather pro-1952 family forces,…
Ignore Trump’s bigotry at your peril!
Donald Trump is smashing red lines at the rate of knots, yet…
Runoff elections, a curse to our democracy!
In the aftermath of an election, nations that seek continuous improvement would…
Opinion: Premature rejoicing in Paris
The agreement reached at the world climate conference has been labeled "historic."…
The state’s religious politics
While I was considering what to write in this week’s article, and…