Latest Opinion News
OECD holds FIFA responsible for Qatari World Cup-related labour conditions
A Swiss government-sponsored unit of the Paris-based Organization of Economic Cooperation…
Ministerial changes and mechanisms of change in the family of 1952 (3/3)
Ministries in Egypt are more of an apprentice who follows all of…
Al-Sisi’s biggest challenge: Getting the Brotherhood back on board
By Jan Jaap de Ruiter In May 2014, the Egyptian people voted…
Notes from America: The victimisation of the villain
According to dictionary definition, a villain is a character whose evil actions…
The struggle over ideological power in the Middle East
By Hakim Khatib Using religious frameworks in political contestation and mobilisation has…
Israel suspends Israeli-Palestinian encounters on the pitch
The Israel Football Association (IFA) acting on orders of the police has…
Youth political participation in Egypt
A new phase of Egypt’s post 30/6 political proceedings begins today…
Parliamentary elections test
The voting on the third merit of the roadmap of 30 June…
Egypt’s Virus C: Organised virus, disorganised state
Even with a revolution and multiple massacres the reported Egyptian death toll…
Healthy prospects for Egypt’s chemicals and plastics sector
By Oxford Business Group Egypt’s chemicals and plastics sector is becoming an…