
Daily News Egypt Opinion section features opinion articles, newspaper editorials of Egyptian and international affairs. Dive deeper with our Opinion columnists, editorials and op-eds.

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Middle Eastern conflicts spill onto Spanish football pitch

Inevitably, the mass exodus of refugees from conflict areas was going to…

James Dorsey James Dorsey

Religious support for Qatari labour reforms puts Gulf states on the spot

  A panel in Doha of religious scholars, officials of Qatar's government-sponsored…

James Dorsey James Dorsey

Militant football fans are on a roll across Eurasia

Militant football fans are on a roll in the Middle East, Europe…

James Dorsey James Dorsey

Opinion: Fed regulators are afraid of their own courage

The Fed continues to hold off on turning around interest rates. The…

Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle

Notes from America: The tragic journey of Aylan Kurdi

Killing an Arab! “Standing on the beach With a gun in my…

Ahmed Tharwat Ahmed Tharwat

‘I eulogise justice for you, my dear brother’

Tarek Tito’s letter to his detained brother Mahmoud Mohamed

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

A Russian sense of urgency is needed in Syria

By Duke Omara It is becoming increasingly clear that the civil war…

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Merkel’s reasons for accepting refugees

  There is no doubt that Germany's stakes went up when it…

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Egypt deserves better than to be toyed with

We were all glad that Mehleb's government had stepped down, but our…

Emad El-Sayed Emad El-Sayed

Opinion: Europe’s grand challenge – Africa’s future

Africa's population will be five times Europe's by mid-century. Will the continent…

Deutsche Welle Deutsche Welle