Latest Opinion News
Qatar launches politically sensitive survey into low football match attendance
By James M. Dorsey Qatari authorities, in a bid to counter criticism…
Who is beating up ‘am Helmy with a shoe?
In the Middle East and Egypt, people have gotten used to utilising…
Why Egypt’s army is bad at doing business
By Farah Halime General Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi must be revelling in the…
Our dear military, we have a problem, and one that needs to…
Inclusive entrepreneurship
Gedety was too good to be true. Yasser El Zahhar, its…
China’s air zone announcement threatens major Asian crisis
By Andrew Hammond US Vice-President Joe Biden’s trip to Japan, China and…
Egypt’s street politics and the freedom of assembly
By Ronald Meinardus Egypt’s turbulent transition has entered a new phase, with…
Palestine, Israel and The Jewish State
By: Fadi Elhusseini While analyses have abounded examining the details of the…
Fractured state
The military continues to descend into further violence, making new enemies and…
The perils of American disengagement from the Middle East
By Peter Schwartzstein It must be remarkably gratifying -even amusing - for…