
Daily News Egypt Opinion section features opinion articles, newspaper editorials of Egyptian and international affairs. Dive deeper with our Opinion columnists, editorials and op-eds.

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Why AUC needs a new constitution

By Taher El Moataz Bellah The current structure of the student government…

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Death penalty abolition: A Swedish view

By Charlotta Sparre The 10th of October marks the World Day against…

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A wave of diplomatic progress at the United Nations

By Secretary General Ban Ki-moon There are few better ways to take…

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Egypt’s misguided liberals

By Farah Halime, Rebel Economy Questions were already being raised about Egypt’s…

Daily News Egypt

US aid: “Recalibration” or change of strategy?

The U.S. State Department announced on Wednesday that it would halt the…

Mohamed Fouad

The Evolution of Tamarod

By Nicholas Gjorvad Early last May, Tamarod was merely a small, upstart…

Daily News Egypt

The EU arms ban on Egypt: a regional response for a limited change?

By Justina Poskeviciute On 21 August, EU foreign ministers called for an…

Daily News Egypt

Editor’s letter: Egyptians between the two Gamals (1 of 5)

Bread, freedom and social justice! A slogan and a statement that simply…

Maher Hamoud

Qatar: Perfecting the art of scoring own goals

By James M. Dorsey State-owned Qatari television network Al Jazeera prides itself…

Daily News Egypt

What are the inner makings of Egypt’s democracy movement? (Part 2 of 2)

In our previous article on the inner workings of Egypt’s democratic movement,…

Farid Zahran