Latest Opinion News
The politics of remembering death
A group of peaceful protesters marched, and were set upon by official…
The Way of the Revolution Front: A critique
On 24 September The Way of the Revolution Front -a new group…
Getting in the way: politics and doing business in Egypt
“If it bleeds, it leads.” That news industry fundamental is Minister of…
Colonial Middle East strategy: Another complete fiasco
By Fadi Elhusseini In a region that has been described for long…
Does Egypt Need Affirmative Action?
As the debates rage regarding Egypt’s electoral system, the notion of affirmative…
The dirty word
By Nesreen Salem On behalf of the Egyptian Women’s Union, I flew…
Harsh Qatari labour conditions move centre stage as FIFA debates World Cup
By James M. Dorsey Controversy over conditions for unskilled and semi-skilled workers…
Where are they?
“Where are they? Where have they all gone? Where are all those…
On Egyptian women after the Arab Spring
Nesreen Salem's speech for the Swedish Parliament on the state of Egyptian…