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Close, but no cigar
Egypt is locked into an uncomfortable anticipation zone. Everyone is bracing to…
What do Egyptians want from the United States?
Sometimes when I find myself exposed to US policy regarding Egypt, I…
Grieving the dead
While Egypt buries the dead the personal effects of their demise often…
Lebanese sports scandals fuel tensions
By James M Dorsey As Lebanon, a country in which almost every…
Democracy is (still) the solution
In Egypt, neither Islamism nor militarism is the solution. What we need…
It’s not just austerity vs stimulus for Egypt
By Farah Halime - Rebel Economy The government’s tactic to avoid major austerity…
If you are not with us, you are against us
For three years, Egyptians have been taking to the streets demanding democracy,…
Avoiding austerity, Ahmed Galal is betting on Egypt’s economy
Egypt’s new Minister of Finance, Ahmed Galal, has chosen. He prefers a…
New history lessons in Egypt
By Tom Rollins The history of the Egyptian revolution is still being…