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Free Faramawy
By Taher El Moataz Bellah On 28 January 2011 Mohamed Faramawy was…
Culling youth
Egypt haemorrhages. Stretcher-bearers bus bodies, fallen replaced. Helicopters swoop and hover. Tormented…
Moving Egypt back to the democratic path
By Catherine Ashton Even in a country as turbulent as Egypt is…
Beyond “crowd democracy”
A new buzz word is being coined these days: Crowd Democracy. Basically,…
No one is going anywhere
The 30th of June was a coup that wasn’t popularly supported. Police…
Ten reasons why Egypt is vital to US economy and security
By Juan Cole Whatever the reasons the US public is less excited…
This is not the time to be silent
Adel Heine shares her reaction to the virtual feast of half-truths and…
Gulf rivalries spill onto the football pitch
By James M Dorsey The battle between Iran and various Gulf states…