
Daily News Egypt Opinion section features opinion articles, newspaper editorials of Egyptian and international affairs. Dive deeper with our Opinion columnists, editorials and op-eds.

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Resolution 1325 and the Need to Empower Malian Women

By: The Honourable Mobina Jaffer A Brief Overview the Situation in Mali…

Daily News Egypt

Columnists debate sectarian tensions in Egypt

After the recent incidents in front of St. Mark’s Cathedral, writers in…

Ethar Shalaby

Has the Muslim Brotherhood adopted Sectarianism?

I have attempted over the last several articles, to shed light on…

Farid Zahran

“Please be nice!”

You can’t push a person to be peaceful and love others, but…

Rana Allam

Morsy’s Christian Problem

The country was watching, half in horror and the other half probably…

Mahmoud Salem

Review: April 6 celebration and Iranian tourists

Commentators in major Egyptian newspapers have discussed the celebration of the sixth…

Ethar Shalaby

Desert Island Discs – Dos

First of all, a big thank you to this week’s guest contributors…

Daily News Egypt

The dead of the Salem Express

Out of all the dive sites in the Red Sea, the Salem…

Sara Abou Bakr

After Arab Spring, Islamists test religion in economics

By Farah Halime With the rise of political Islam across North Africa…

Daily News Egypt

The Islamists’ Secret Weapon

As soon as our blessed revolution succeeded in realising its main demand…

Ziad A. Akl