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Choking up
By Philip Whitfield Notice the traffic? Given up going out? Carrying a…
On blasting Morsi into space
Egyptians have done it again. After ousting a dictator two years ago,…
Morsi’s fake election
Mohamed Morsi is indeed full of surprises. Ever since Morsi took office,…
Review: Authority and opposition appear top priority in columns
After announcing the timing of the parliamentary elections on April 27, Egyptian…
Are we in a “…….” or just smelling the roses?
This question is often repeated during times of crisis. When a nation…
The ‘insult’ of political criticism
By Nick Gjorvad Few would argue against the maxim that freedom of…
Tahrir Squared: the discussion continues
There is no stopping the train, and it is important to do…
Why do Islamists hate Valentine’s Day?
By Nervana Mahmoud “Valentine’s Day represents for the Christians, a celebration of…