
Daily News Egypt Opinion section features opinion articles, newspaper editorials of Egyptian and international affairs. Dive deeper with our Opinion columnists, editorials and op-eds.

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The blame game is fun, but it never works

Mahmoud Salem

Rebel Economy Wrap

Egypt runs out of cash for diesel subsidies

Daily News Egypt

Review: Op-Eds criticise sexual harassment and nepotism

Writers in Egyptian newspapers explored the expanding phenomenon of sexual harassment, which…

Daily News Egypt

Riding the revolution

Ever since reading Khaled Al Khamissi’s Taxi a few years ago, I’ve been striking…

Daily News Egypt

Double or quits

By Philip Whitfield You get the best odds when the runners and…

Daily News Egypt

Review: Fallen statues and fighters

Commentaries discuss the recent attacks on statues of famous Egyptians, including writer…

Daily News Egypt

Red hearts on a torched truck

A photo of a torched CSF truck painted with red hearts near…

Sara Abou Bakr

Review: Commentaries ask: ‘What are Islamists fighting for?’

After Islamists organised a number of protests on Friday calling for the…

Daily News Egypt

Surviving Cairo

Towards a distant fading light I march the streets of my lambent…

Ziad A. Akl