Latest Opinion News
Why should the young man move?
In the early days of the revolution, and since then over the…
Morsy opts for law enforcement, not inevitable reform
The Ultras’ battle is a battle for karama, or dignity
Review: Op-Ed pages denounce Morsy and his speech
After President Mohamed Morsy’s speech declaring a state of emergency in three…
Review: Columnists criticise presidency and violence
Opinion writers have condemned the presidency for its passive reaction towards the…
Mali: a serving of ‘Freedom Fries’
French intervention in Mali is motivated by economic rather than democratic concerns…
Review: Unprecedented violence dominates columns
As Egyptians commemorated the second anniversary of the January 25 Revolution on…
Rebel Economy Wrap
Port Said: Egypt’s Statue of Liberty By Farah Halime, Rebel Economy After yesterday’s…
The Ultras, the trial and violence
It is premature to think that justice has been served for those…