
Daily News Egypt Opinion section features opinion articles, newspaper editorials of Egyptian and international affairs. Dive deeper with our Opinion columnists, editorials and op-eds.

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Morsy opts for law enforcement, not inevitable reform

The Ultras’ battle is a battle for karama, or dignity

Daily News Egypt

Review: Op-Ed pages denounce Morsy and his speech

After President Mohamed Morsy’s speech declaring a state of emergency in three…

Daily News Egypt

Conjuring the demon

Morsy, you are now face to face with those who have lost…

Rana Allam


The genius of turning the Black Bloc into the new enemy is…

Mahmoud Salem

Review: Columnists criticise presidency and violence

Opinion writers have condemned the presidency for its passive reaction towards the…

Daily News Egypt

Mali: a serving of ‘Freedom Fries’

French intervention in Mali is motivated by economic rather than democratic concerns…

Mustafa Salama

Review: Unprecedented violence dominates columns

As Egyptians commemorated the second anniversary of the January 25 Revolution on…

Daily News Egypt

Rebel Economy Wrap

Port Said: Egypt’s Statue of Liberty By Farah Halime, Rebel Economy After yesterday’s…

Daily News Egypt

The Ultras, the trial and violence

It is premature to think that justice has been served for those…

Ziad A. Akl

The USA in 2033

A satire by Sherif El Alfy on when the Muslim Brotherhood rules…

Daily News Egypt