Latest Opinion News
In the lap of the gods
By Philip Whitfield The hounds have the fox in their sights. Unleashed,…
Imagine sitting at a friend’s house, watching the president address the nation…
Review: Columnists condemn presidential manoeuvres
Amid Morsy’s recent decisions, columnists criticise how the president blindly follows instructions…
Contesting Egypt and de-contextualising narratives
Watch western TV news features on Egypt; you will find an almost…
Review: Millioneya marches and Morsy’s (old) declaration
Before President Mohamed Morsy had issued a new constitutional declaration to repeal…
Public trust in public servants
Looking at how the presidency chose to deal with last week’s turmoil,…
Fighting for internet freedom
By Vinton Cerf The internet empowers each one of us to speak,…
Review: Columnists debate Morsy’s speech
As President Mohamed Morsy met with over 40 political and legal experts…
The growing influence of the Muslim Brotherhood
Last week cannot be called anything other than a big mess. Ever…