Latest Opinion News
Review: Morsy and the Brotherhood
The Muslim Brotherhood and President Mohamed Morsy continue to attract attention in…
Mobs use violence to keep women away from Tahrir
The mob attack on France 24 Correspondent Sonia Didri near Tahrir Square…
Has the balance of power shifted within Egyptian political life?
Ever since 25 January 2011, Egypt has been searching for a new…
Rebel Economy Wrap
Egypt must stop crying wolf, Hussein Salem's seedy world
Editor’s letter: Beneath the Belgian chocolate crust
Beneath the Belgian chocolate crust
Human rights corner: Let’s not forget activists in Bahrain
Bahrain highlights the use of double standards when defending human rights.
A mother of many sons and daughters
There is a different Egypt for everyone
Review: Constituent Assembly and relative court decision
As many Egyptians awaited the Supreme Administrative Court decision regarding the second…