
Daily News Egypt Opinion section features opinion articles, newspaper editorials of Egyptian and international affairs. Dive deeper with our Opinion columnists, editorials and op-eds.

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Another person’s trash…

Even something as trivial as refuse can make a difference between two…

Daily News Egypt

A T-shirt that brings down a nation

The waters are always on the verge of boiling, waiting for a…

Rana Allam

Challenges for the new Minister of Awqaf

Regardless of the exact role the ministry is to play; the current…

Mustafa Salama

Sanitation, cabinet and transparency

Egyptian commentators continued to explore the national hygiene campaign initiated by President…

Daily News Egypt

Editor’s letter: Lessons from Muhammad Ali’s era

There are always hope and dreams, even in the middle of the…

Maher Hamoud

The “civil” and the “religious”: maintaining the distinction

Among the social and political effects of the rise of the post-revolutionary…

Ziad A. Akl

Morsy, the Brotherhood, and Qandil scrutinised

President Morsy, the Muslim Brotherhood, and newly appointed Prime Minister Hesham Qandil,…

Daily News Egypt

Your ID, Your rights

Thousands of marginilised women in Qalyoubia are now the proud owners of…

Shahira Amin

On the 60th Anniversary of the July 23 Revolution: what about the Junta and the Brotherhood?

By Alia Assam It could have hardly been imagined by the Free…

Daily News Egypt

In search of Morsy’s powers in constitution

Before President Morsy had announced former Minister of Irrigation Hesham Qandil as…

Daily News Egypt