Latest Opinion News
New York police can do better for Muslim students
By Altaf Husain WASHINGTON, DC: The Associated Press discovery that the New York…
When technophobia becomes toxic
By Henry I. Miller STANFORD: During the late 1990s, a singular phenomenon appeared…
Can Europe be saved?
By Alfred Gusenbauer VIENNA: In 2011, Europe’s financial and banking crisis escalated into…
A Muslim chaplain who matters for non-Muslims, too
By Noah J. Silverman NEW YORK: In 1924, Norman De Nosaquo, a Jewish…
America’s Islamic blind spots
By Naomi Wolf NEW YORK: In the wake of the Quran-burning by troops…
China’s growing growth risks
By Yao Yang BEIJING: If everything goes right for China, it will surpass…
The Eurozone’s fork in the road
By Mario I. Blejer and Eduardo Levy Yeyati BUENOS AIRES: Many observers have…
Nuclear disarmament’s midnight hour
By Gareth Evans CANBERRA: Last month, the Doomsday Clock’s hands were moved a…