Latest Opinion News
What’s in store for US-Pakistan relations post-bin Laden?
By Huma Yusuf WASHINGTON, DC: Scenes of rejoicing in Washington and New York…
All the Queen’s children
By Ian Buruma NEW YORK: Does monarchy — constitutional monarchy, that is, not…
Israel’s Egyptian dilemma
By Shlomo Ben Ami JERUSALEM: The Arab revolt against inertia, despair, and decline…
Bin Laden and the Afghan endgame
By Shahid Javed Burki ISLAMABAD: Osama bin Laden’s death in a firefight with…
A new vision for ending the Arab-Israeli conflict now
By Michael Felsen BOSTON, Massachusetts; As the turbulent winds of the Arab Spring…
The goose is cooked: licit or illicit
By Philip Whitfield Egypt's justice minister, Mohamed El-Guindi, says President Hosni Mubarak faces…
Ramifications of the Palestinian reconciliation agreement: Good news for peace
By Ghassan Khatib The reconciliation agreement that was initialed between Fatah and Hamas…