Latest Opinion News
Turkey-Israel: searching for a magic formula
By Soli Ozel The deadly forest fire on Mount Carmel presented a timely…
Disaster Politics
By Peter Lagerquist Among organizations and people who make emergency relief their business,…
Abu Dhabi: Green ambitions
By Oxford Business Group While Abu Dhabi is introducing a series of green…
The US-China dialogue of the deaf
By George Soros NEW YORK: In 2010, economic conflict between the United States…
Europe’s financial alchemy
By Luigi Zingales CHICAGO: It is universally recognized that a key factor underlying…
The making of international monetary reform
By Jean Pisani-Ferry BRUSSELS: If French President Nicolas Sarkozy had written the prologue…
Four myths that hold back progress in fighting climate change
By Kenneth Chomitz and Vinod Thomas The UN Secretary-General has presented options for…
YEAREND SPECIAL: What lies ahead in 2011?
By Joseph Stiglitz NEW YORK: The global economy ends 2010 more divided than…
YEAREND SPECIAL: A good year for God
By Chris Patten LONDON: It’s been a better year for God. After withering…