Latest Opinion News
Decoding Egypt: A forecast of Egyptian parliamentary elections
By Nael Shama CAIRO: Political scientists usually refrain from being drawn into the…
Common ground in the Doha Debate on the burqa ban
By Nabila Ramdani LONDON: I was invited to Qatar earlier this month to…
Saudi Grand Mufti uses haj sermon to condemn fanaticism and violence
By Muqtedar Khan NEWARK, Delaware: The haj sermon this year — one of…
The irrepressible 1930s
By Robert Skidelsky LONDON: The just concluded G-20 meeting in Seoul broke up…
The closing of the European mind
By Dominique Moisi PARIS: Kishore Mahbubani, a prominent Asian voice from Singapore, and…
NATO’s dangerous Afghan dream
By Brahma Chellaney NEW DELHI: The agreement at the NATO summit meeting in…
In America, youth bring people together
By Eboo Patel and Samantha Kirby CHICAGO, Illinois: Last month, Zach Jordan, a…
Silatech index highlights challenge of ‘waithood’ for young Egyptians
By Mohamed Younis After completing their education, many young people throughout the Middle…
Time to ratify new START
By Radosław Sikorski WARSAW: As a long-time observer of American politics, I know…