Latest Opinion News
American foreign policy after the mid-term elections
By Richard Haass NEW YORK: Few Americans cast their ballot in the recent…
America’s employment and growth challenges
By Michael Spence NEW YORK: For many, if not most, Americans, the crisis…
Muslims and Jews visit each other’s holy places this November
By Habeeb Alli TORONTO, Canada: I can see your stares! I get them…
Multiculturalism isn’t dead in Germany
By Lewis Gropp BONN: German Chancellor Angela Merkel recently declared that multiculturalism is…
Late, but not too late, for Sudan
By George Clooney and John Prendergast STANFORD: Well, we're in it now. What…
An independent Palestine might upset the status-quo
By Ghanem Nuseibeh LONDON: Many people view the prospect of creating an Arab…
A return to reason
By Bjørn Lomborg COPENHAGEN: Common sense was an early loser in the scorching…
The power of education to transform stereotypes of the West
By Inayah Rohmaniyah YOGYAKARTA: Extremism in Indonesia appears to be on the rise…