Opinion| The Fall of American Democracy
The recent attack on the US Congress by supporters of outgoing President…
Opinion| Broadway crisis continues in face of $100m losses
Broadway theatre has announced its total losses due to the extended closures…
Opinion| Small fry attempts to transform into big fish as Gulf reconciliation finally occurs
Qatari-Gulf reconciliation may turn out to be mere temporary appeasement of Arab…
Opinion| Biden Supports Police Violence against American Students
Reform of public education and the elimination of systemic racism in the…
Opinion| European Parliament
A few days ago, and with flimsy justifications and rumours, lies, and…
Opinion| Science has delivered, but will the WTO deliver?
TRIPS waiver has been proposed by India, South Africa, and other members
Opinion| AI Application and Business Enterprises
The wide application of artificial intelligence (AI) systems, such as virtual reality…
Opinion| Theatre Industry Crisis Globally and Locally
Although the coronavirus crisis has affected all the arts sectors, the most…
Opinion| Turkey Then and Now
Until recently, there were many political, media, and economic figures calling for…
Opinion| Braving Borders and Frontlines
As the world observes International Migrants Day 2020 amidst COVID-19, we must…