Opinion | The United States Presidential Elections of 2020
The Trump administration proved efficient from the economic standpoint, bringing unemployment rates…
National security legislation a bolster to Hong Kong’s future
While many of those who have witnessed Hong Kong’s prolonged unrest find…
Egyptian and Irish theatre challenge the coronavirus
This state of confusion remained in place until many governments decided to…
Blue ocean for Islamic finance industry
The fact that millennials make up a large chunk of the customers…
Building healthcare ecosystem (PPPs) to combat COVID-19
Stronger innovative partnerships between the public and private sectors will be needed…
Demand compensation from China, devil in hearts
It reflects the ugly side of some people as human beings, and…
Essential role of fortified powdered milk in children’s daily diet
It’s very common at that age for children to rebel against their…
Never again: 75 years since the end of the World War II
Ukraine commemorates 8 May as a Remembrance and Reconciliation Day. This day…
Tawakkol Karman: Facebook lets the Islamist fox guard the henhouse
The appointment shatters Facebook’s impartiality as Karman will have direct editorial influence…
The Education System Transformation (TEST): How a revolution in education in the Middle East will shape the sector post-coronavirus
Digital learning is being adopted fast. Some Arab countries have been quick…