
Daily News Egypt Opinion section features opinion articles, newspaper editorials of Egyptian and international affairs. Dive deeper with our Opinion columnists, editorials and op-eds.

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5 recommended leadership behaviours during and post COVID-19 ERA

Regardless of how individuals and organisations are perceiving the measures taken nationally…

Ahmed Sultan

Letter from China

On January 22nd I reported from Wuhan, the ‘epicentre’ of the virus…

David Culver

Prescription for Investment

The EU Bank is already in contact with companies and organisations seeking…

Matt Rees

Will Egypt allow Ethiopia to equivocate until GERD becomes a fait accompli?

Despite the intervention of many international actors, Ethiopia insists on prevarication, ignoring…

Taha Sakr

AI in 2020: from experimentation to adoption

Results from the Roadblocks to Scale survey indicate that while there is…

Wael Abdoush

The conduct of code: how digital disruption is changing wealth management

While squeezed returns across equity and debt markets have led some money…

Francois R. Farjallah

Is it time for Egypt to develop local English-language media outlets?

The media warfare always comes along with other conflicts, whether military, economic,…

Taha Sakr

American play reveals secrets of Camp David talks

El Sadat fought the battle for peace lonely, taking the decision bravely…

Marwa El- Shinawy

Trends Shaping the Consumer Experience in 2020

In 2019, the quest for enhancing consumer experience drove brands across the…

Ramez Shehadi

The 3 Raiders of the Lost Barrel

From where I stand, the reason for it to happen the way…

Mohamed Shirin El Hawary