Latest Opinion News
A visit to the Egyptian heroes, victims of terrorism
I tried hard to evade a commitment that I consider a national…
Youth: a compass for democratic change
In the time of the Muslim Brotherhood, I met with one of…
How can the upsides of the American model inspire us? (2 of 3)
The right to obtain information
The politics of fear
“Fear does not prevent death, fear prevents life,” was one of the…
How could we benefit from the American model?
Education, health, and public spending priorities
The government’s economy and the people’s economy
It is now clear, as time goes by, that we are talking…
Asian ports: pitfalls of China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative
Troubled ports in Pakistan and Sri Lanka, envisioned as part of China’s…
Women’s gyms lay bare limits of Saudi reforms
A Saudi decision to license within weeks the kingdom’s first women-only gyms…
Questioning the rigid application of the Goldwater Rule
In 1964, the magazine Fact published the article “The Unconscious of a Conservative: A…