
Daily News Egypt Opinion section features opinion articles, newspaper editorials of Egyptian and international affairs. Dive deeper with our Opinion columnists, editorials and op-eds.

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Arabic Movie: a critical approach to nostalgia

Arabic Movie is directed by Eyal Sagui Bizawe and Sara Tsifroni

Farida Youssef

A Present From the Past: on the memories we choose to keep alive

A Present From the Past is directed by Kawthar Mokhtar

Yasmin Shehab

If only we could celebrate like the Philippines celebrated 2 years ago

The Philippines generates $25bn annually from call centre exports

Aly Wally

Cairo International Film Critics Week: aspiring critics experiment with various tools of film analysis

Daily News Egypt publishes the 10 best reviews, selected by the instructor…

Daily News Egypt

Juste la Fin du Monde: a family’s sweetest kind of lie

Juste la Fin du Monde was screened at the Cairo International Film…

Yasmin Shehab

Mimosa: camera as God

Mimosa was screened at the Cairo International Film Festival

Steffanie Ling

Stopover: the anatomy of the warrior’s rest

Stopover was screened at the Cairo International Film Festival

Rami El Metwali

Kills on Wheels: unusual story of empowerment

Kills on Wheels was screened at the Cairo International Film Festival

Omar El Hanafi