Latest Opinion News
Arabic Movie: a critical approach to nostalgia
Arabic Movie is directed by Eyal Sagui Bizawe and Sara Tsifroni
At Titi’s Balcony: understanding oneself through understanding the other
At Titi’s Balcony is directed by Yasmina Benari
A Present From the Past: on the memories we choose to keep alive
A Present From the Past is directed by Kawthar Mokhtar
Egypt must push ahead with reforms to attract investment, spur growth, create job opportunities
Egypt has struggled in the five years since the Arab Spring, as…
If only we could celebrate like the Philippines celebrated 2 years ago
The Philippines generates $25bn annually from call centre exports
Cairo International Film Critics Week: aspiring critics experiment with various tools of film analysis
Daily News Egypt publishes the 10 best reviews, selected by the instructor…
Juste la Fin du Monde: a family’s sweetest kind of lie
Juste la Fin du Monde was screened at the Cairo International Film…
Mimosa: camera as God
Mimosa was screened at the Cairo International Film Festival
Stopover: the anatomy of the warrior’s rest
Stopover was screened at the Cairo International Film Festival
Kills on Wheels: unusual story of empowerment
Kills on Wheels was screened at the Cairo International Film Festival