Latest Egypt News
Iranian tankers funneling Syrian oil through Suez
Despite Morsi’s repeated calls for support for Syrian rebels, Syrian oil is…
Bread rations: Three loaves per capita
Minister of supply states that determining bread ration is only a trial…
Public Prosecution: Morsi not responsible for deaths
Tala’at Abdallah’s new spokesman says cases of Al-Gendy and Saber moving at…
Palestinian reconciliation meeting wraps up in Cairo
Israel expresses doubt that the meeting will lead to any real external…
Dina Abdel Fattah released on bail
TV anchor investigated for hosting Black Bloc members
Kafr Al-Zayat protesters demand detainees’ release
Protesters surround police station and chant against the regime
New complaints raised against Morsi
Head of Lawyers’ Syndicate in Port Said accuses Morsi of attempted murder
Protests break out in Northern Sinai
Offices, bank, roads and schools all targeted by protesters
6 April starts petition to sue prime minister
The youth movement gathers signatures of Beni Suef women in response to…
NCW preparing a lawsuit against the government
Harassment is politically-driven and the government is responsible, says National Council for…