Latest Egypt News
Non-Islamist uprising within Constituent Assembly
Seculars and liberals will completely withdraw if their demands are not met…
Rights centre demands transparency on IMF loan
Egyptian Centre for Economic and Social Rights files lawsuit
Britain snubs Brahimi’s plan at the Arab League
President of the Syrian opposition requests weapons
Arab world’s first dwarf rights NGO to be established in Alexandria
Protection of people with disabilities still severely lacking
Qandil presents three month report
PM highlights cabinet successes and challenges
Coptic women attacked on the metro
Women wearing niqab cut the hair of two Coptic females
ElBaradei meets with Morsy
Al-Dostour chairman shares his party’s vision with the president and discusses the…
Harasser jailed, small victory for women in Egypt
Man imprisoned for assaulting woman in Maadi
Constituent Assembly finalises 14 articles
Assembly set to complete first section of constitution
Workers threaten to close Cairo Metro
Protesters' demands escalate to potential strike