Latest Egypt News
Armed attack on police vehicle in Sinai
Three dead and one injured in Al-Arish
President encourages donations to pet project
Mosy calls upon 'the corrupt' to return stolen funds
Hundreds of Islamists take to Tahrir
Protesters calling for implementation of Islamic Law through the constitution
Morsy visits Assiut aqueduct project
Critics say security on his visits excessive
New Arab Debates: “most Egyptians disappointed with Egypt’s democracy”
Despite the relatively bloodless revolution and election of a civilian president, many…
Foreign Minister sits with EU representatives
EU mission discusses Palestine and investment in Egypt
In pictures: Human chain to support doctor’s strike
Hundreds of doctors and other protesters formed a chain along Qasr Al-Eini…
Brahimi travels to Cairo for a two-day visit
China proposes four-point plan ahead of talks in Cairo
Human chain to support doctor’s strike
Ministry of Health seeking solution as support for strike grows
Governorate change may be imminent
Reach of Morsy’s powers may be tested by ability to change leadership…