Latest Egypt News
April 6 members attacked
"Make a trial for everyone in SCAF," says Mohammed Adel a leader…
Papal elections postponed
Coptic Constituent Assembly members delay papal selection process.
Morsy grants all “revolutionary prisoners” amnesty
The president’s decision relieves the detainees in questions of their charges, thus…
Security source: CSF vehicle in Sinai was shot at
A high ranking security source confirmed that gunmen fired shots at the…
Practising politics without permission
Students are still trying to free their universities from restrictions
Morsy celebrates Uganda’s Independence Day
An attempt to enhance Egyptian- African relations
Human Rights Watch condemns new constitution
HRW suggests constitution guarantees Egypt's commitment to international treaties
Syrian refugees in Egypt exceed 40,000
UNHCR releases report detailing Syrian refugee status in Egypt
Brotherhood leader defends constitutional article
Sobhy Saleh: Article 36 necessary to prevent gay marriage and gender equality…