Qandil cabinet presents final list of nominees to be sworn in
Egypt’s Prime Minister Hesham Qandil announced the full list of cabinet members…
Controversial Fatwa banning Muslims from eating and drinking in the streets during the day in Ramadan
The Egyptian Dar Al-Ifta’ has issued a Fatwa saying that it is…
El Hangar Theatre issues apology to group cancelled for political content
The apology was prompted by the controversial cancelling of the performance scheduled…
Clinton statement causes backlash
Statements by US Secretary of State Hilary Clinton regarding religious freedom in…
Aboul-Ghar: “We rejected an offer for our party to hold the Ministry of Investment”
As a prominent member of the Constitution Drafting Committee, what do you…
A closer look at Qandil’s cabinet
The new cabinet is largely comprised of technocrats and bureaucrats with a…
Preliminary list of cabinet ministers revealed
The official presidential spokesperson, Yasser Aly, has announced that President Mosry will…
El Adly appealing his life sentence
The former Minister of Interior is citing procedural flaws in his trial…
Clinton: Since Mubarak “sectarian violence has increased”
A teacher and Shia facing blasphemy charges are among the recent examples…
Al-Gabaly leaves for Saudi Arabia despite travel ban
Al-Gabaly submitted a written approval granting him one-off permission to travel