Satisfying a craving
Zamalek's Crave combines fusion cuisine with excellent accommodating serviceCAIRO: There are countless…
Present and Tense: Foot massage
Mike Buchanan was thrilled with my presentation. It's been only two days…
Ceasefire but no resolution for Lebanon
Hezbollah claims victory, but UN Resolution 1701 is a defeat for Lebanon's…
Life in Egypt without a visa
Filipino domestic workers still come to Egypt to work, despite warnings from…
Naguib Mahfouz's condition improves
CAIRO: The condition of world renowned Egyptian writer and Nobel literature prize…
Mobinil awards Thanaweya Amma top students
CAIRO: In line with its role as one of the leading corporate…
The bigger the better
Belated but certainly in need, will be Egypt's upcoming financial assistance to…
AmCham official predicts postponement of QIZ committee meeting
Possible postponement result of security issues, not political onesCAIRO: The quarter-annual meeting…
Egypt to help restore Palestinian electricity
CAIRO: Egypt will assist the Palestinian Authority in restoring part of its…
Lebanese troops begin deploying south of Litani River
Former Egyptian consul to Israel escapes attempt on lifeMARJAYOUN, Lebanon: Lebanese troops,…