
Breaking news, latest headlines and analysis from Middle East region, East Mediterranean region, and Africa from the Daily News Egypt.

Latest Region News

Rockets fired from Syria fall in Israel-occupied Golan

The rockets exploded in a field near the ceasefire line in the…

Daily News Egypt

Gunmen demand Libya government quits

Zeidan's government launched a campaign a few weeks ago to remove the…

Daily News Egypt

Israel launches rocket attack near Syria capital: SANA

Israel moves to stop weapons from the conflict reaching Hezbollah with its…

Daily News Egypt

Israeli warplanes strike Syria: US media

CNN said US and Western intelligence agencies were reviewing information suggesting Israel…

Daily News Egypt

Army deploys around Libya capital amid seiges

Soldiers in pickup trucks mounted with machineguns and anti-aircraft weapons were deployed…

Daily News Egypt

Bahrain Shi’as protest to demand prisoners be freed

Shi'as, inspired by the Arab Spring in 2011, have been pushing to…

Daily News Egypt

US reconsidering whether to arm Syria rebels

After having rejected the idea previously, Obama's deputies were weighing the option…

Daily News Egypt

Israel army doubts third intifada but on alert

General Mordechai says he believes the calm is partly due to "a…

Daily News Egypt

460 people killed in bloody month for Iraq

The late-April violence was the deadliest so far linked to protests that…

Daily News Egypt

Israel PM: root of Palestinian conflict not territory

Netanyahu: The heart of the conflict was their refusal to recognise Israel…

Daily News Egypt