
Breaking news, latest headlines and analysis from Middle East region, East Mediterranean region, and Africa from the Daily News Egypt.

Latest Region News

Freedom Bus touring for solidarity with Palestine

Pro-Palestine solidarity activists launch freedom bus to tour West Bank

Hend Kortam Hend Kortam

Former Israeli prime minister escapes harsh sentencing

Ehud Olmert could return to politics

Connor Molloy Connor Molloy

Saudis end two-day protest over release of prisoners

Most arrested for political opinions and religious beliefs

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Iran blocks access to Gmail

First step towards creating a national internet network, separated from the worldwide…

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Iranian female ex-parliamentarian sentenced over “anti-state propaganda”

Faezeh Rafsanjani sentenced to six months in prison

Luiz Sanchez Luiz Sanchez

Syrian rebels claim to control “most” of Syria

International community’s attempts to resolve conflict

Rana Muhammad Taha Rana Muhammad Taha

Deadly clashes in North Yemen

Clashes between Shi'a and Sunnis in Yemen leave at least a dozen…

Hend Kortam Hend Kortam

Donors meet to discuss Palestinian Authority assistance

“the Palestinian report asks for much more comprehensive reforms such as the…

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Libyan militias given ultimatum to disband

Following massive anti-militia protests in Benghazi, unsanctioned militias have 48 hours to…

Luiz Sanchez Luiz Sanchez

Syrian president’s sister ‘now in Dubai’

Al-Assad now has only his brother Maher, who commands the notorious Fourth…

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