Latest Region News
Syrian rebels claim to control “most” of Syria
International community’s attempts to resolve conflict
Deadly clashes in North Yemen
Clashes between Shi'a and Sunnis in Yemen leave at least a dozen…
Donors meet to discuss Palestinian Authority assistance
“the Palestinian report asks for much more comprehensive reforms such as the…
Libyan militias given ultimatum to disband
Following massive anti-militia protests in Benghazi, unsanctioned militias have 48 hours to…
Syrian president’s sister ‘now in Dubai’
Al-Assad now has only his brother Maher, who commands the notorious Fourth…
Strike on Iran would trigger ‘World War III’: Guards
Iran could launch a pre-emptive strike if Israel prepares to attack it
Israel: No change to Egypt peace treaty
Israeli foreign minister says Israel won’t change peace treaty with Egypt
Presidents of Sudan and South Sudan to meet
Ethiopian summit comes amidst fighting along disputed border
Palestinian prisoners still face solitary confinement in Israeli prisons
Israel continues solitary confinement of Palestinian prisoners as more attention is directed…