
Latest Science and Technology news, comment and analysis from the Daily News Egypt, the leading source of news in Egypt.

Latest Science News

Early human fossils shed light on man evolution

At least 15 individuals of various ages have been classified as Homo…

Daily News Egypt

Large reservoirs of ancient mineral-bound water found on Mars 

Crust contains about 35% of red planet’s total water

Mohammed El-Said

30 risk factors found during and after pregnancy for children developing psychosis

This study will guide future psychosis research, form basis for psychosis risk…

Daily News Egypt

52% of world population to fall short of drinking water by 2050 due to climate change: UN

Half of Arab agricultural lands to deteriorate within 30 years

Mohammed El-Said

Observed gateway effect of e-cigarettes among teens ‘likely to be small’

Young vapers less likely to go on to smoke than peers trying…

Daily News Egypt

Shedding light on optimal materials for harvesting sunlight underwater: Report

Research recently published by researchers from New York University in Joule found…

Daily News Egypt

Egypt to lose 1000 km of sandy coasts due to erosion: Study

Erosion of sandy beaches will endanger wildlife, cause heavy losses in coastal…

Mohammed El-Said

Healthy sleep habits may help reduce heart disease risk, lose weight

The role of sleep as a cardiovascular health metric: Does it improve…

Daily News Egypt

Researchers investigate role of crops in sustaining ancient empires

The millet has an important role in sustaining Mongolia's empire: study

Daily News Egypt

Cultural geography … sense of place in cinema and culture

The methodology for realising art from a geographic perspective is actually part…

Atef Moatamed