Latest World News
Iran’s Rouhani stresses rejection to foreign presence in Gulf
UK denies releasing Iranian tanker
UK sends new warship to Gulf amid tensions with Tehran
Zarif accuses US of turning the region into “matchbook”
India complicates situation in Kashmir, Pakistan’s army says it’s ready
UN, EU, China, Turkey call for reducing tensions
Rouhani warns navigation unrest in Hormuz Strait
“Peace with Iran is the mother of all peace and war with…
Iran captures new tanker in Gulf claiming it was smuggling oil
Pompeo says he is confident that US could build maritime coalition in…
Kushner seeks Arab leaders’ support to Mideast peace plan seemingly going into effect
"What remains are minor details. No Palestinian state, but civilian self-governance," says…
Iran to further reduce its JCPOA commitments: FM Zarif
In July 2019, US withdrew from the deal re-imposing sanctions on Iran
Kushner starts Mideast tour Wednesday, ahead of reportedly Israeli-Palestinian peace summit at Camp David
Trump’s adviser met Jordan’s King Abdullah
Trump’s intelligence chief Dan Coats resigns
Coats was tasked with overseeing 17 US intelligence agencies after 9/11
London rejects tanker exchange with Tehran
South Korea to join European mission in Strait of Hormuz