Latest World News
People-smuggling: the trade with refugees in Bulgaria
More and more refugees are trying to reach the West via Bulgaria.…
At least 120 killed in Paris attacks
Hollande announced a state of emergency and temporary border closure
Merkel: We are crying with France
In the wake of the devastating Paris attacks, the German chancellor has…
Right way for refugees with Poland’s new Left
Anti-migrant feelings helped propel a sweeping win for Poland's right-wing PiS in…
Paris under siege
More than 100 people have died in at least six terror attacks…
Want to be heard? Surveillance art project wants you to let NSA listen
Cologne's stone advertising columns are iconic - as iconic as Germany's loathing…
Modi and Cameron reaffirm UK-India ties
The British and Indian prime ministers took to the stage at a…
Beirut: Shocked but not destroyed by bombings
The terrorist organization Islamic State has claimed responsibility for brutal twin bomb…
US says ‘reasonably certain’ drone strike killed ‘Jihadi John’
The "IS" militant known as "Jihadi John" has very likely been killed…
Opinion: Time to act in Burundi
In Burundi, the killing sprees continue with impunity. The UN Security Council…