Tag: 3 July

Morsi sentenced to life in ‘Qatar espionage’ case

Sentence comes one day after the former president was supposed to complete…

Adham Youssef

Tamarod: From deposing Morsi to its own collapse

25 January and 30 June were not revolutions because we haven’t done…

Amira El-Fekki

From palace to prison: 1 year of Morsi’s rule

Daily News Egypt reviews decisions and circumstances which led to former president…

Yousef Saba

Religious institutions: a pillar of Egypt’s new security state?

What are top religious institutions doing to support Al-Sisi and his government?

Adham Youssef

MOI arrests 29 alleged MB members

Morsi releases letter calling for continued revolution

Daily News Egypt

Al-Nour Party rejects calls for protests on 3 July

Party calls on the Muslim Brotherhood to “recognise reality”, while Brotherhood-backed Anti-Coup…

Hend Kortam

One Year of Crackdowns

Since the 3 July military-backed ouster of former president Mohamed Morsi, the…

Aaron T. Rose

Pro-Morsi campaign calls for 3 July ‘uprising’

Group supporting ousted president say Egypt has become “the laughing stock of…

Joel Gulhane

Anti-Coup Alliance calls for uprising on anniversary of Morsi ouster

Statement accuses government of “absence of vision”, treachery

Daily News Egypt

US Department of State criticises Putin’s support for Al-Sisi presidential bid

Al-Sisi’s visit to Russia would not impact shared interests with Egypt, says…

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah