Tag: 6 April Youth Movement

6 April Youth Movement banned

Critics argue that the case did not belong in Cairo Court for…

Aya Nader

Incarcerated 6 April leader calls for international review of Protest Law conviction

Demand is “satirical response” to interim president Adly Mansour’s statement that the…

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

Activists protest 3-year sentence for prominent 25 January revolutionaries

Ahmed Maher, Mohamed Adel and Ahmed Douma convicted of “thuggery” under controversial…

Aya Nader

Court upholds 3-year sentence for prominent activists

Ahmed Maher, Mohamed Adel and Ahmed Douma convicted of “thuggery” under controversial…

Aya Nader

6 April fronts coordinating joint protests on movement’s sixth anniversary

The movement will announce details in a press conference on Thursday, says…

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

6 April call for redrafting of Protest Law

Petition opposing the controversial Protest Law says Egyptian security is incapable of…

Joel Gulhane

6 April Democratic Front elects new political office

Youth political movement declines to announce its numbers

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

6 April Youth Movement oppose Al-Sisi presidential bid

“Anyone who loves his homeland and loves the Egyptian people cannot ignore…

Joel Gulhane

Appeal hearing of activists rescheduled for Thursday

Hearing is postponed for security reasons

Basil El-Dabh

Activist sentencing draws domestic and international criticism

Sunday's verdict of three prominent activists is met with ire among political…

Basil El-Dabh