Tag: 6 April Youth Movement

6 April anniversary update: marches and clashes

Marches in Cairo converge on High Court, tear gas launched from inside…

Daily News Egypt

Opposition groups mark 6 April anniversary

Marches commemorating the 6 April 2008 general strike in Mahalla take place…

Daily News Egypt

In Pictures: Opposition groups mark 6 April anniversary

Marches commemorating the 6 April 2008 general strike in Mahalla take place…

Daily News Egypt

Opposition groups mark 6 April anniversary

Marches to take place around the country

Joel Gulhane

Court rules to prolong detention of 6 April members

Youth group set to appeal court’s decision, believes the issue is political…

Joel Gulhane

6 April blocks doors of the High Court

In response to four members receiving four days detention following ‘underwear protest’

Joel Gulhane

Police refuse to file 6 April report against Interior Minister

FJP member describes 6 April methods as an example of ‘moral collapse’

Joel Gulhane

6 April announces ‘day of rage’ on its anniversary

Youth movement calls for civil disobedience to force Morsi’s resignation

Fady Salah

Hundreds demonstrate in Tahrir Square

A march organised by the Al-Dostour Party demanded ‘bread, freedom, social justice,…

Joel Gulhane

Clashes mark Friday demonstrations

Violence between protesters and police erupt in Cairo, Delta cities and Alexandria…

Basil El-Dabh