Tag: Aboul Fotouh

Inside the mind of a murderer

CAIRO: Episodically, Egypt wakes up to an alarming crime completely foreign to…

Daily News Egypt

Man tortured for refusing to be a police informer

CAIRO: Mottled with bruises and abrasions Reda Abdeen has been in a…

Daily News Egypt

Case closed, culprit unknown

CAIRO: Will the Al-Zaitoun massacre be another John Doe case? This is…

Daily News Egypt

Man kills his only son to please second wife

CAIRO: In a heartless and horrifying crime, a husband smashed the head…

Daily News Egypt

Euro 2008 viewers scramble at CNE offices for Al Jazeera subscription

CAIRO: If you live close to a Cable Network Egypt (CNE) subscription…

Reem Nafie

Muslims clamp down on Halal fraud

The global industry of halal, or foods that are permitted for consumption…

Daily News Egypt

Egypt to inaugurate SAP Academy in Cairo

CAIRO: European software company SAP AG has announced the establishment of the…

Daily News Egypt Authors

Ministry reports high success rate in thanawiya amma math exam

CAIRO: Ninety-three percent of a random sample has passed the thanawiya amma…

Safaa Abdoun

Passport issuance fees triple

CAIRO: The fees of issuing or renewing passports will increase to reach…

Tamim Elyan