Tag: Aboul Fotouh

Worker says medical negligence resulted in leg amputation

Medical negligence has many victims. The alleged victim this time is a…

Daily News Egypt Authors

Widowed mother-of-two made homeless by husband's family

Amal Mohamed Ali Hassan tells of how she and her two children…

Daily News Egypt Authors

Old lady says trip to the doctor saved her from violent robbery

Five robbers have been arrested on suspicion of breaking into an old…

Daily News Egypt Authors

Frenchman creates Islam-compatible cabaret in Morocco

MARRAKECH: You will not see g-strings, revealing leotards, or nudity at Claude…

Daily News Egypt

Symposium finds type 2 diabetes is a high risk factor for heart disease

CAIRO: The Cairo Cardiovascular Symposium held for medical practitioners highlighted patients with…

Daily News Egypt Authors

Stranded in Lebanon: Egyptians complain of embassy's inaction during unrest

CAIRO/BEIRUT: Violence returned to the streets of Lebanon early this month as…

Safaa Abdoun

Court rejects appeal of officers convicted in high-profile torture case

CAIRO: The Cassation Court Wednesday rejected an appeal by police captain Islam…

Sarah Carr

British museum covers up 'naked' mummies after complaints

LONDON: A British museum is covering up its collection of ancient Egyptian…


Good governance, open markets key to sustainable economic growth, say experts

CAIRO: "Sustainable development can only take place under good governance, said former…

Michaela Singer

State watchdog urges government to end emergency

CAIRO: The state-backed National Council for Human Rights called on authorities on…