French agriculture minister calls for 'world forum' on food crisis
MADRID: French Agriculture Minister Michel Barnier called Monday for a "world forum…
Two dozen Egyptian human rights groups urge Mubarak to abolish reform-curbing laws
CAIRO: Egypt's prominent human rights groups are appealing to President Hosni Mubarak…
Child custody law appeal rejected
CAIRO: The Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt rejected an appeal to amend…
Smokers won't quit but they might shift
CAIRO: After a period of relative stability, cigarettes will now be sold…
Pope Shenouda heads to US for treatment
CAIRO: The head of Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church, Pope Shenouda III, has…
Word on the Street: What people think about the new prices increase
CAIRO: On Monday May 5, Ahmed Ezz, head of the ruling National…
Schools to contest new taxes in court
CAIRO: The Association of Private Schools in Egypt are filing a law…
Virtuoso to give concert to thank Egyptian driver who returned $4 million violin
NEWARK, New Jersey: A violin virtuoso plans to replace the airport cacophony…
27-year-old child rapist handed fourth death sentence
KUWAIT CITY: A Kuwait court on Sunday handed down a fourth death…
Student inventors to represent Egypt in science competition
CAIRO: The winners of the Intel Egyptian Science and Engineering Fair (ESEF)…