Tag: alexandria

Nakhnoukh sentenced to 28 years in prison

Dubbed by the media as the Prince of Thugs, Nakhnoukh was arrested…

Hend Kortam Hend Kortam

New charge against Hassan Mustafa

Alexandrian political activist already in jail pending trial for attacking prosecutor

Rana Muhammad Taha Rana Muhammad Taha

Al-Dostour Party holds elections in Alexandria

Abdel Latif Beshara wins party secretary seat

Nouran El-Behairy Nouran El-Behairy

Hassan Mustafa case postponed

Arrest warrants issued for eyewitnesses in case

Rana Muhammad Taha Rana Muhammad Taha

Bailing out

By: Philip Whitfield Robert Browning (1812 –1889) is a favourite poet among high…

Daily News Egypt Daily News Egypt

Update: Students protest across Egypt

Student skirmish with university security

Luiz Sanchez Luiz Sanchez

Students protest across Egypt

Student protests attacked by security forces

Luiz Sanchez Luiz Sanchez

Demonstrations in Alexandria and Cairo

Bicycle ride in solidarity with detainees and marches call for independence of…

Joel Gulhane Joel Gulhane

Architectural heritage under threat in Alexandria

The Save Alex organisation aims to raise awareness to prevent the loss…

Abdel-Rahman Sherief Abdel-Rahman Sherief

Violence kicks off in Cairo and Alexandria

Brotherhood supporters and opponents face off near Tahrir Square and Samouha

Basil El-Dabh Basil El-Dabh