Tag: anti coup alliance

Catherine Ashton voices praise for EU election monitoring, concern for Minya 529

EU High Representative delivers varying messages on Egypt before Foreign Affairs Council…

Ali Omar

Anti-Coup Alliance describes Ashton visit as ‘evil’

EU Election Observation Mission to monitor presidential elections

Joel Gulhane

Clashes erupt between protesting students and security forces

Eight rioters at Zagazig University arrested, according to Ministry of Interior

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

Students Against the Coup to protest mass death sentences Wednesday, anticipates clashes

Engineering student union warns students to steer clear of Cairo University during…

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

Security forces raid press conference on Rabaa dispersal organised by Anti-Coup Alliance

Two of the event organisers were arrested, one is still detained in…

AbdelHalim H. AbdAllah

Anti-Coup Alliance denounces Saudi Arabia’s support for ‘coup’

Group calls on Saudis to support Egyptian people and not the "oppressive…

Daily News Egypt

Two die in Friday clashes

12 year-old boy watching protests killed in Minya, pro-Morsi demonstrator killed in…

Ali Omar

Anti-Coup Alliance calls for marches on six-month anniversary of sit-in dispersals

The pro-Morsi bloc called for demonstrations under the name “Rabaa, icon of…

Ali Omar

The Anti-Coup Alliance calls for marches to commemorate anniversary of Mubarak’s ouster

The pro-Brotherhood group calls for supporters to reject the “assassination of the…

Ali Omar

Three dead in Friday clashes

Ministry of Health updates Friday death toll to three, 10 injured

Joel Gulhane