Tag: appeal

Fate of Nahed Sherif has yet to be decided by court

Sherif was arrested along with three others last year and sentenced to…

Hend Kortam

Writer’s appeal to verdict postponed

Karam Saber sentenced to five years in prison for contempt of religion

Rana Muhammad Taha

Judge prolongs detention of suspects from MB HQ clashes

Muslim Brotherhood leaders appeal for release pending

Daily News Egypt

SEC postpones decision on Shafiq’s appeal to Thursday

MENA: Postponing the decision came because of the death of SEC’s head’s…

Daily News Egypt

Court orders Mubarak’s release yet again

Prosecution appeals the former president's release on graft charges hours after the…

Rana Muhammad Taha

Convictions against striking workers overturned

Alexandria appeals court finds in favour of five workers

Hend Kortam

17 accused of breaking into Al-Azhar acquitted

Prosecution appeals the decision for the second time only hours after verdict

Daily News Egypt

Hassan Mustafa gets one-year hard labour

Alexandrian political activist appealed a court sentence for allegedly attacking a prosecutor

Rana Muhammad Taha

Douma’s appeal set for first of July

Activist Ahmed Douma remains in custody despite being released on bail last…

Daily News Egypt

Minister of Interior acquitted after appeal

Ibrahim had initially been sentenced to two years in prison for failing…

Rana Muhammad Taha