New study reveals how ancient migrations shape Yemen’s genetic diversity
A team of researchers from Khalifa University in the United Arab Emirates,…
Secrets of Arabia’s prehistoric monuments revealed in study
Discovery of platform in modern day Saudi Arabia provides better understanding of…
The survival of Arabia’s ancient communities during environmental change
Ancient Arab’s survival strategies can give lessons for communities going through adaptation
Saudi Arabia and Iran: Volatile political geography of oil and minorities
The fact that dissatisfied minorities populate the oil-rich regions of Iran and…
Houthi foreign allies criticise Egypt’s support of Saudi-led airstrikes
A string of rumours in April targeted Egyptian affairs by state-run Iranian…
Egypt takes issue with AU inclusion of Turkey, Qatar in Libya meeting
Foreign minister stresses AU must coordinate with Egypt before including non-African countries
25 January celebrations ‘delayed’ to mourn Saudi king
Abdullah once called the 2011 revolutionaries “infiltrators who disrupt Egypt’s security and…
Egyptian citizen allegedly assaulted by Saudi police
Egyptian expatriates stage protests in aftermath of alleged assault
Marble and granite shine in international building trade fair in Cairo
Egypt is the tenth largest natural stone quarry producer in the world…
Muslim Brotherhood faces pressure in Jordan
King Abdulla says group “hijacked the Arab Spring”, Brotherhood deputy leader to…