Tag: army

Bite Me Cairo: Food Is Cool

David Blanks discusses dining culture in Egypt

David Blanks

Where does the Army stand in the struggle between those with money and those with power?

As we are aware, Egypt’s political scene is divided along many fault-lines…

Farid Zahran

Military intervention and Egypt’s future

The military may be coming – and it seems like everyone knows…

H.A. Hellyer

Has the army truly withdrawn from Egyptian politics?

I recently claimed in a previous article, to all those who were…

Farid Zahran

Egypt’s Armed Forces continue to destroy tunnels leading to Gaza

City residents said that the sound of tunnels being destroyed could be…

Daily News Egypt

Military Academy admits students from Brotherhood Families

Army spokesman: Loyalty to Egypt and the military is the essential requirement

Nouran El-Behairy

In Pictures: Demonstration calling on Army to rule

Dozens protested against President Mohamed Morsi and demanded the return of military…

Daily News Egypt

Minister of Interior addresses internal security from Riyadh

Minister Mohamed Ibrahim stressed that only the police is responsible for securing…

Hend Kortam

Egyptian police strike as football verdict sparks riots

Army urged to topple Morsi regime

Daily News Egypt

Protests on Friday calling for army involvement

Demonstrations in Nasr City scheduled for noon on Friday will call for…

Emily Crane