Tag: Banking

2 billion people outside banking system: World Bank

International banking Financial Inclusion Summit 2015 ends in Budapest

Daily News Egypt

Falcon secures 22 banks, acquires 54% of Egypt’s private guard service market: Executive Director

Falcon Group held a press conference last week, where it presented its…

Daily News Egypt

CBE made bold decisions during Al-Sisi’s first year: Banking leadership

Decreasing the pound’s value against the dollar, limiting foreign currency deposits in…

Daily News Egypt

Egypt’s dollar bonds attract more than 290 investors from foreign markets: Dimian

Distribution of 45% of bonds in USA, 35% in UK, 11% in…

Daily News Egypt

12 new United Bank branches in 18 months: Mohamed Ashmawi

United Bank branches will increase to 62, to cover all the governorates

Daily News Egypt

CBE controls importers’ manipulations

Banks activate automated “Model 4” to determine real importing demands

Daily News Egypt

CBE to investigate future of interest rates

The market expects MPC to fix both loan and deposit rates

Daily News Egypt

EGP 23.3bn increase in bank loans in March: CBE

The private sector acquired 80.8% out of the total loan balances

Daily News Egypt

Moody’s upgrades CR assessments for 5 Egyptian banks

On 15 May, Standard and Poor’s revised its outlook on Egypt, raising…

Sara Aggour

Global banking is HSBC’s priority in Egypt: Blanchet

HSBC launched in April its second International Growth Fund, worth EGP 300m,…

Daily News Egypt